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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Well, Croatia has basicly joined king Europe (European Union) so the other Balkan members of EU come to congratualte him, except Greece since he is running late with his friend (Croatias foe) Serbia... Germany being Germany, he sticks his nose in other peoples afairs and as usual insults Serbia and Greece for their economical troubles. Greece being Greece, experiant in these sort of "afairs" he gets rid of Germany by spooking him with the "God forbid it happens" or the German "the thing we never mention"...

King Europe also gave the spirits up to Macedonia (FYROM), Montenegro,who ofcourse is sleeping by the stereotype (lazyness) and Bosnia & Hercegovina, who must yell his gutts out that he is not a Serb when ever someone mentions Serbia (self-convincing I guess) so he wakes up Montenegro, who is ofcourse a grudgy awakener so a fight is about to start and as always King Europe is incopident to deal with fughting so he sends his local "Igor" ( servant of Dracula- basicly a mind slave) Slovenia to deal with it...

London here we come :)

AAAAAAAAAW YEEEEEA to all the handball fans :)

The second Serbia (also the host) and the fifth Macedonia (also known as FYROM) are gonna rule the London Olympic games :)
So, Serbia has won three semi-finals in friday and two finals in sunday...Very impressive so I made this comic book :)


Scotland is for Andy Murray losing to Novak Djokovic in Friday...Was hard but Nole came throo :)

YES Italy took his small bathing suit (panties) off to symbolise how badly they've lost to Serbia, as revenge for their victory in the world finals... We're talking Waterpolo here ;)

Croatia has lost in handball and has taken it rather badly talking and insulting everywhere even internet, even some WW2 Ustasha (nazi) talk has been spoken, rather unplesant ... enough to make this the good ol' "Three finger" punishment :D


After six hours of battle Novak Djokovic has won Rafael Nadal of Spain in Australian open (that's the seventh time in the row) ... So Spain is, naturaly sad, (was even more sad when they've lost in handball to Croatia for the bronze) :D

Serbian waterpolo team has won another golden medal, nothing new here except that it was against Montenegro also a Serb country only smaller and on the seashore :) So most of us considers it as we won both the gold and the silver :)

Serbian handball team lost to Denmark, even thoo we won them in the group stages, they were just more expirient in the finals I guess so even with the advantage of houme court our guys couldn't win the stage fright (jitters) :) But maybe it was for the best, since this is historical succes for our handball and we were the hosts, I myself never liked it when the hosts win :)