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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Then came Turkey

The arival of Turkey to the Balkans in late 1300s (14th century)...

Well the Balkan peoples, same as all Europeans, were scquabiling amongs themselves, most famosly Bulgaria attacking Serbia two times under the excuse that they are not a legit empire... Ironicly enough the  chatolic west tought of both empires (Bulgarian and Serbian) as fake since they already had an empereror too... Serbia won the fight, both times, and then came peace, then war (with Hungary, Austria) , then peace,then war as always this then that then blah but nothing was taken for serious untill the Serbian emperor died and Turkey came in... All of the sudden shit became real !!! All Europeans united as much as possible but it was Serbia who was the first to fight a mayor battle (and lose)...

So Austria-Hungary formed the Hasburg empire and they and Turks mostly did the "what, make a move bitch no you make a move bitch " thing... Well that's a different comic boook :D

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